My Book Won the American Revolution Institute's 2024 Book Prize
Just announced: "Disunion Among Ourselves: The Perilous Politics of the American Revolution" is the 2024 book prize recipient
This morning the American Revolution Institute in Washington, D.C., announced its 2024 book prize for “an outstanding book that advances understanding of the American Revolution and its legacy.”
I am excited to report that my book "Disunion Among Ourselves” was selected as the winner.
I will be speaking at a book party and prize ceremony in D.C. on Sept. 5. Full details will be made available later in this summer.
Here is the announcement sent out by the institute this morning at 7 am:
We are pleased to announce that the 2024 Society of the Cincinnati Prize has been presented to Eli Merritt, M.D., M.A., research assistant professor at Vanderbilt University, for his book Disunion Among Ourselves: The Perilous Politics of the American Revolution, published in 2023 by the University of Missouri Press.
Disunion Among Ourselves explores political divisions that assailed the Continental Congress and reveals the regional forces that threatened to break apart the United States’ first government. Merritt’s study of disunion and fear of domestic civil war contributes to the knowledge of the lasting influence of the political rhetoric from the American Revolution and shows how our national union was achieved through compromises made for the sake of peacekeeping and self-preservation.
“The political history present at the founding of the nation is an important focus as we examine why the American Revolution remains relevant today,” says Andy Morse, executive director of the Society of the Cincinnati. “The history of the revolution is also the story of how the new country earned as well as maintained independence, and how former subjects of the British Crown learned to become citizens. Disunion Among Ourselves includes timeless lessons on the civic virtues that helped to sustain democracy during the tumultuous period after our Revolutionary War.”
Established in 1989, the Society of the Cincinnati Prize is the premier award for scholarship bestowed by the American Revolution Institute of the Society of the Cincinnati, Inc. It is presented annually to the author of an outstanding book that advances understanding of the American Revolution and its legacy.
Learn More About the Prize and This Year's Recipient
The American Revolution Institute of the Society of the Cincinnati, Inc., promotes knowledge and appreciation of the achievement of American independence, fulfilling the aim of the Continental Army officers who founded the Society of the Cincinnati in 1783 to perpetuate the memory of that vast event. The Institute supports advanced study, presents exhibitions and other public programs, advocates preservation, and provides resources to teachers and students to enrich understanding of our War for Independence and the principles of the men and women who secured the liberty of the American people.
As always, thank you for your support of American Commonwealth and my work to restore guardrails against demagogues and authoritarians to our democracy.
A delayed but well-deserved CONGRATULATIONS. I enjoy reading history and especially different aspects of history. Your marvelous book covered parts of the founding era that aren't normally written about. I enjoyed every page.
Congrstulations! What an honor.