Peer review totally makes sense. Good face validity, but just as with the Supreme Court there are no balls and strikes. Only some of us are wired for objectivity and less susceptible to rigid ideology. Too bad we don’t have a brain imaging profile or dna as a marker for good guys to do peer review.

My own wish for peer review is a look back at foreign policy decisions. What percentage of them are considered by good guy historians as wise? My bet is that we would have done better by flipping a coin. How many decision makers and influencers understood foreign cultures and history?

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If there were brain imaging to diagnose demagogues and authoritarians, I would say indeed they should be deployed in the effort to vet candidates and exclude them from the Oval Office. So dangerous are they to democracy that everything should be done to thwart and sideline them.

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Functional biological theory may have a case. Not sure how to explain but too striking that we are split so close to 50%. Maybe the ancient gods created us for their amusement. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/

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Yes. Thanks for the chuckle: Maybe the ancient gods created us for their amusement.

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