Are you aware that checks and balances depend on the agency of supporters like Raffensperger. Are the Trumpanzees supporters of democratic checks and baĺances by and large? Democracy cannot depend on white supremacists to defend the rule of law. Democracy and good will require a staunch defense of the rule of law. Delay in the Supreme Court and obstruction of justice by the Republicans are not the agency we need. See my articles on Federalist 10 and Common Sense and the rule of law.
Are you aware that checks and balances depend on the agency of supporters like Raffensperger. Are the Trumpanzees supporters of democratic checks and baĺances by and large? Democracy cannot depend on white supremacists to defend the rule of law. Democracy and good will require a staunch defense of the rule of law. Delay in the Supreme Court and obstruction of justice by the Republicans are not the agency we need. See my articles on Federalist 10 and Common Sense and the rule of law.
I appreciate the comment and agree with you. However, every time you write you do not need to be so self-promotional.
Sometimes less is better. Ok.